Having a responsive and efficient website with an attractive design has become a necessity for our brands. Especially if we want to make an impressive impact on the digital world then a website with a great web design is a must. Design is the backbone of our websites and we cannot simply ignore it. But the design of the websites comes with many myths as well. There are many misconceptions about the design of websites that we face regularly. Our website design not only represents the nature of our business but the user experience is also relying on it.
Let us discuss some myths related to designing our websites so we can also understand how to avoid them because myths usually create obstacles in the completion of the work.
Only Look Matters
One of the major myths we face while designing our website is that look is the only thing that matters. Although the appearance of the website undoubtedly is one of the most important aspects of the design, saying that it is the only thing that matters and putting all the effort into the appearance of the website ignoring other important things like content, responsiveness, user experience etc, is not right.
Ignoring Responsiveness Element
There is a huge misconception among several people that there is no need to make a website responsive. This is one of the major mistakes one can make during designing a website. Today after reading stats we came to know that it is now compulsory for us to make our website all devices friendly especially mobile responsive if we want a good output from it. Statistics say that the majority of the people nowadays are preferring their mobiles for online surfing that means millions of users are using their mobiles to check websites and we surely cannot miss these potential visitors.
Attraction Is The Only Element To Make The Design Successful
Most people think that making the website attractive by just decorating it is enough to make a successful design but they forgot that designing is something much beyond that. The design also means to make the website more functional so a user can have a great experience in using our website and they like to visit it frequently.
Just Focus The Homepage
Another great myth regarding the website is that only focusing on the homepage is enough. Homepage no doubt is the most important page of the website because it is the very first thing a user sees about our website but only focusing on the homepage by making it perfect and ignoring the rest of the website is one of the biggest misconceptions. Other pages of the websites are also of great importance and we should be also working on them with great devotion.
Ignoring Social Media Buttons
Within the past few years, social media had also grabbed the attention of the customers and having fully optimized social media platforms along with websites had become a necessary standard for the brands. The majority of visitors only trust the brands with a great website along with fully optimized social media platforms. So having the social media buttons connects our visitors with our social media platforms and develops a good trust among them. These buttons are also beneficial in increasing the traffic of the website and its search engine rankings as well.
Above are some common myths of web design we face regularly. We should know how important our website is for our brand so we should be avoiding misconceptions and focus on creating a great website so we can attract the users towards our brand.