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Clarence Debelle

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Client Feedback

Clarence Debelle

I became a realtor in West Vancouver in June 2008, just as the market was beginning to fall. I possessed valuable business experience, but no experience related directly to the real estate industry. One thing I knew I needed was a good website. I concluded that it was critical to have a compelling and unique website because after meeting a prospective client, the odds are they would immediately go to my site to learn more about me. A strong website could crystallize a business opportunity, a weak site could destroy it. After conducting my due diligence I met with Tariq and his MapleWeb team. From the outset, they were professional, caring, and sensitive to what I was trying to accomplish. However, what was more surprising was the patience and commitment they demonstrated in helping me achieve the exact website that I had envisioned. I doubt whether any other website developer would have shown the patience that they did, and I am truly indebted to them. Mapleweb team did a marvelous job. Once the site was built, I had to tackle a new challenge: having my site come up high on the first page of a Google search using certain key phrases. That is Search Engine Optimization. There were others who promised this and that. I then sat down and met with Tariq once again, and after our conversation, I had complete confidence that he and his team would be able to achieve my objective. I was right!!! In no time my name and website came up on the first page of Google, appearing with the sites of others who have been on Google for quite some time. The challenge that remains is having my site not only come up on the first page of Google but ahead of these other sites. I have every confidence that Tariq and his team will meet this challenge with great success. I thank Mapleweb team for all they have done. It has been a sincere pleasure working with Mapleweb team. They are an exceptional group of professionals.

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Satisfied Clients

A Smooth Process


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